Here is the latest of my commute time compressing sessions.
Hair is power
February 2nd, 2010
February 2nd, 2010
Here is the latest of my commute time compressing sessions.
January 18th, 2010
Well, I fooled myself on this one: it was late and I mix up the french idiomatic expression “faire un paté” (means to vomit) with “faire un flan” which means making a big deal out of something insignificant. So this guy’s been a bit sick and generate a proper “Flamby“… I know, it doesn’t make any sense, but it’s been another reason to draw something and there might be some hidden meaning in there… who knows…
December 6th, 2009
After I had fun drawing faces from biscuits’ fat stains on my note book, I draw several random shapes and let me inspired by them to get the result above.
For adding the colours I experimented the use of vectors instead of my standard bitmap approach. I don’t understand why I haven’t done this before as it’s fast, clean, flexible and fun to play with.
Of course this is still a weirdo illustration of nothing in particular but it’s cool to me, I love exprimentation!
November 22nd, 2009
I always been obsessed by sketching hairs but certainly too lazy to spend much time on it. For once I pushed my boundaries and spend time sharpening what is the weirdest hair-cut I’ve ever draw. I had a good time.
It just raised a question to myself: Is that green to use an hair-dryer? Problably not, use a bonnet.
October 21st, 2009
To end my holidays’ sketching serie, here is what happen when I really don’t know where I’m going. I know this is weird but it was fun to do and I like weird stuff so I’m happy. Special thanks to my mother to show me her ear as I always forget how it’s shaped (don’t worry mum your ears look much better).
April 4th, 2009
First drawing attempt since I’ve finished my recent illustration course, I’ve started this from last week Illustration Friday theme: poist. But I also decided to follow my instinct and go for something which wouldn’t be under control. So I can’t give more explanation than that and just move on to the next one, hopefully soon!
December 31st, 2008
En guise de vidange de fin d’année voici un petit pack de cinq illustrations qui trainaient dans ma DS.
Malgré tout le bien que je pense de Colors! et du côté pratique de dessiner sur une console portable je commence à en ressentir les limites et le contact physique avec le vrai papier me manque. 2009 sera l’année du sketchpad sans pixels!