Home made crafts spontaneously documented since 2008.


Tag: sketch


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July 18th, 2012

As this year began I looked for something new to pimp up my little illustration world.

I found out about this impressive project by illustrator Chris Piascik, “1000 Days of Drawing“, who sketched something new everyday for four years (!) and eventually published a book out of it. I subconsciously let it grow for few days and decided to start up my own serie of tiny daily drawings.


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October 21st, 2010

Cycles, life cycles, activity cycles, it’s all very circular and this is not the first time I hear myself thinking I want to go back sketching on paper rather than on my old and scratchy Nintendo DS screen. I had enough and, during my last Eurostar trip, I’ve started enjoying my new Moleskine and fine Bic more than I expected.

Again, I love you paper, so much.