Home made crafts spontaneously documented since 2008.


Tag: charactron

Illustration Friday: Stuffed

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October 18th, 2015

It’s been a little while (…like 4 years) since I’ve played the Illustration Friday game, so here is my interpretation of this week’s topic: Stuffed.

Entirely sketched during my traditional Sunday visit to the Penarth pier and initially designed to be the Charactron of the day (Pepper face), I realised that:

  • a pepper can be stuffed
  • a monkey can be stuffed by a pepper

Ideal combination. So, for the first time ever, I fancied up this Charactron (added colours) and ended up with exactly that: “un singe bleu qui se mange un bon poivron rouge”.



June 13th, 2015

Hi there, it’s pretty much time for an update on the future of this blog! Soon.

But right now it’s time for the Olexandratron! The little mission I’ve accepted about 10 days ago was to write the long version of my wife’s name – Olexandra – (there is a short version but I was up for a challenge) by dedicating the next 9 Charactrons to each letter.


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July 18th, 2012

As this year began I looked for something new to pimp up my little illustration world.

I found out about this impressive project by illustrator Chris Piascik, “1000 Days of Drawing“, who sketched something new everyday for four years (!) and eventually published a book out of it. I subconsciously let it grow for few days and decided to start up my own serie of tiny daily drawings.