Home made crafts spontaneously documented since 2008.


IF: Winter

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December 29th, 2010

After a couple of Illustration Friday failures I finally managed to sketch a little something during today’s Eurostar trip. This Winter is cold but feels warm. Oh la la.

(Re)opening doors

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November 22nd, 2010

Another cycle. Few years ago – at least five – I kind of started designing some t-shirts’ vector-based illustration for the Patrice Cassard‘s original version of LaFraise. I had some fun doing this but at the time my illustrative style was undefined and I lost motivation very quickly trying many pointless routes. But the process was fun (producing sketches) and exciting (receiving critics).

I remembered this innocent period of my life few weeks ago while reading the Threadless’ book celebrating 10 years of “awesomeness” for the t-shirt industry. So I thought it would be fun to see if some of my illustrations could work as a t-shirt design. This is my first submission. I’m a bit concerned about the interpretation (can girls wear this?) but this is a first shot and, as ever, I’m excited to try something new.

New challenge

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November 4th, 2010

Following my recent liberation I confirm that I’m stuffed of drawing digitally and I will now only use paper for this purpose (because paper, I love you). However, I deeply enjoyed killing hours of commuting scratching my little screen and transforming a boring routine into an exciting one.

A selection of my Colors’ sketches are now archived where they belong to and following my first recycling I quickly sketched up a new one based on a challenging daily challenge: keeping things going.

Videotron #8 – Banananut

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October 31st, 2010

A special Videotron featuring a unique guest: Mr Y (my anonymous friend from Brittany) on the hidden guitar. Let’s be honest, the initial “happening” happened just before this, unexpectedly, and obviously without a recording, so we tried again, with a recording. It’s been different but we had pleasure, fun, no pain, and we don’t want glory as we know the consequences.


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October 21st, 2010

Cycles, life cycles, activity cycles, it’s all very circular and this is not the first time I hear myself thinking I want to go back sketching on paper rather than on my old and scratchy Nintendo DS screen. I had enough and, during my last Eurostar trip, I’ve started enjoying my new Moleskine and fine Bic more than I expected.

Again, I love you paper, so much.

Videotron #6

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October 3rd, 2010

I’ve been trying to do a new videotron for months, but too much preparation kill the idea. So this one hasn’t been prepared and I’ve got a thought: should I do it more often so it gets better? I think it’s required for my own sake.