No comment because it’s just a French Fucking Videotron and I need to revamp this old piece of blog rather than playing guitar in my kitchen. I’m not HANGRY (the H makes more sense than me right now).
Videotron #9
January 5th, 2011
January 5th, 2011
No comment because it’s just a French Fucking Videotron and I need to revamp this old piece of blog rather than playing guitar in my kitchen. I’m not HANGRY (the H makes more sense than me right now).
December 29th, 2010
December 6th, 2010
At least! I thought this one will never end but it finally did tonight after a good couple of months of thinking, thinking, drawing, drawing again, then drawing something else, then refining, refining more, and colouring, and again, ….
November 22nd, 2010
Another cycle. Few years ago – at least five – I kind of started designing some t-shirts’ vector-based illustration for the Patrice Cassard‘s original version of LaFraise. I had some fun doing this but at the time my illustrative style was undefined and I lost motivation very quickly trying many pointless routes. But the process was fun (producing sketches) and exciting (receiving critics).
I remembered this innocent period of my life few weeks ago while reading the Threadless’ book celebrating 10 years of “awesomeness” for the t-shirt industry. So I thought it would be fun to see if some of my illustrations could work as a t-shirt design. This is my first submission. I’m a bit concerned about the interpretation (can girls wear this?) but this is a first shot and, as ever, I’m excited to try something new.
November 4th, 2010
Following my recent liberation I confirm that I’m stuffed of drawing digitally and I will now only use paper for this purpose (because paper, I love you). However, I deeply enjoyed killing hours of commuting scratching my little screen and transforming a boring routine into an exciting one.
A selection of my Colors’ sketches are now archived where they belong to and following my first recycling I quickly sketched up a new one based on a challenging daily challenge: keeping things going.
October 31st, 2010
A special Videotron featuring a unique guest: Mr Y (my anonymous friend from Brittany) on the hidden guitar. Let’s be honest, the initial “happening” happened just before this, unexpectedly, and obviously without a recording, so we tried again, with a recording. It’s been different but we had pleasure, fun, no pain, and we don’t want glory as we know the consequences.
October 21st, 2010
Cycles, life cycles, activity cycles, it’s all very circular and this is not the first time I hear myself thinking I want to go back sketching on paper rather than on my old and scratchy Nintendo DS screen. I had enough and, during my last Eurostar trip, I’ve started enjoying my new Moleskine and fine Bic more than I expected.
Again, I love you paper, so much.
October 16th, 2010
October 12th, 2010
Hey world, two Videotron in a row is like a lot of non-sense for a short amount of time, or another way of using music, if music there is. Sorry music.
October 3rd, 2010
I’ve been trying to do a new videotron for months, but too much preparation kill the idea. So this one hasn’t been prepared and I’ve got a thought: should I do it more often so it gets better? I think it’s required for my own sake.