Home made crafts spontaneously documented since 2008.


A ducks’ moment

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May 20th, 2011

I’m pretty sure this is a ridiculously bold statement but, – really -,  time is flying like ducks are swimming and those three little guys I met the other day are certainly right. Wait or you’ll get wet. Do you see what I mean? Never mind, they do.

My dear blog hasn’t been fed for over a month, shame on me, so I had to find a quick way to fix this before I disconnect from the little world I know (=holidays!).

This is it for now and as a famous duck said, “better to wait, than being wet”. Sorry, I can’t remember his name (it’s in duck anyway).

The River Thames Competition: Oyster Cart

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March 26th, 2011

“I see the River Thames as a natural and beautiful way to open London to a wide horizon of foreign cultures and to inspire whoever experience it. Knowing how the London transport system works, oysters definitely have a role to play here.”

This is how I described my involvement in this year’s AOI/TFL/SERCO illustration competition for which I’ve just submitted the piece above. It’s about The River Thames (not just oysters).