Home made crafts spontaneously documented since 2008.



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July 18th, 2012

As this year began I looked for something new to pimp up my little illustration world.

I found out about this impressive project by illustrator Chris Piascik, “1000 Days of Drawing“, who sketched something new everyday for four years (!) and eventually published a book out of it. I subconsciously let it grow for few days and decided to start up my own serie of tiny daily drawings.

There are a lot of people on the planet (around 7,000,000,000 I heard) so drawing a different one each day shouldn’t be that hard. Et voila, a friendly plan to give me an excuse to sketch something new everyday: drawing a random character from Monday to Friday, in black & white, for 30 minutes maximum, date it, name it and publish it (on a Tumblr), for as long as I can.

It started on the 31st of January and finished on the 18th of June with the 100th iteration of my character marathon, Charactron.

So? So, it has been a daily dose of improvised pleasure, my pens and fingers have been upgraded, people seemed to like it with very motivating comments from friends and complete strangers, and I might do something like this again. Merci, beaucoup.

Some very important Charactron aftermath facts:

  • I really love drawing even when I don’t want it
  • A sketchpad is orientation independent
  • If it starts small it will get bigger
  • I’m into character illustration
  • I’m into hair illustration
  • London underground trains are shaky enough for an idea to pop-in but too shaky to sketch it
  • London overground trains are not shaky enough for an idea to pop-in but not too shaky to sketch it
  • Sketching first, then thinking about a title, always
  • I’m obsessed with elephants
  • Sausage dogs + hot dogs = aperitif dogs
  • Some days I’m grumpy but inspired
  • Some days I’m not grumpy but uninspired
  • There is at least 30 minutes available for something new everyday
  • Pigeons living in train stations are though
  • Making an habit with what you love is easier than with what you don’t
  • There is nothing wrong about doing it
  • People who like cats like caterpillar too
  • Improving + civilization = improvisation

Exclusive photographs of my abused sketchpad


The reunited Charactron family

The Tumblr: http://charactron.tumblr.com/