Category: Uncategorized

June 13th, 2015



Hi there, it’s pretty much time for an update on the future of this blog! Soon.

But right now it’s time for the Olexandratron! The little mission I’ve accepted about 10 days ago was to write the long version of my wife’s name – Olexandra – (there is a short version but I was up for a challenge) by dedicating the next 9 Charactrons to each letter.

October 22nd, 2013

L’Appero Night illustrations

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Here is a mashup of a serie of illustrations I’ve done for L’Appero Night, the “night” version of L’Appero, the Parisian app-éritif delivery service I’ve worked for earlier this year. The concept is a bit different as focused on making your own cocktails with an incredibly sexy box that contains everything to do so. Head over to pimp up your eve.