Home made crafts spontaneously documented since 2008.


Year: 2009

IF: Intricate

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Here’s my instant interpretation of this week Illustration Friday: Intricate. I tried my new eco-friendly wax pastels from Caran D’Ache for the first time and get impressed by how easy is it to mix colours together and fill up large amount of the spread very quickly.

It Might sounds silly but among my current illustration course, I’m just rediscovering how good it is to draw traditionnaly rather than digitally. The variety of drawing tools, papers, colours is a fantastic sources of inspiration and beat my old pixels friends. Well, I still like digital but I’ve just forget a bit too much about simplicity of paper!

City Lit’s Children’s books illustration course #1

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January 24th, 2009



2009 is starting “sur les chapeaux de roues” (warning, this is a French expression, litterally: on the tyres’ hats) professionnaly-wise as I’ve just spend 3 weeks 90% focused on deadlines and… deadlines! But fortunately my recently reanimated hobbies help me to refresh my brains when it gets too hot.

Since a couple of weeks I’ve started my first ever illustration course at City Lit in London. Each Friday, during 3 hours, the illustrator, Dee Shulman, is bringing a small group of people to understand and practice everything about children’s books illustration. After two sessions – and one missed, thanks to deadlines :) – I have to say: I love it!

Movember 2008

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January 4th, 2009

[flv:https://www.juliendecaudin.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/jumogrowing.flv 500 400]

During last November I’ve been involved in Movember, a charity to raise money for prostate cancer research. The idea is to grow a moustache during November with a wet shave on the 1st and a continuous trimming  until the 30th. I’ve been part of an hairy team of work mates and the whole experience as been very funny and charity-efficient as we raised more than one thousand pounds at the end.