Home made crafts spontaneously documented since 2008.


Year: 2009

Videotron #3

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July 9th, 2009

This Videotron happened just before a marvelous spaghetti bolognaise dish cooked by miss A. To be honest I did a couple of attempt before this one, all rubbish because of two much preparation…

So, this is the only rule: don’t come to the Videotron, the Videotron comes to you. Enjoy (or cry, as usual).

Videotron #2

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June 28th, 2009

This is a Sunday evening’ Videotron, second attempt. Again I started naked – not litteraly – and build up “something”. Oh and yes, this one is in my mothertongue: la France!

Videotron #1

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June 24th, 2009

During last week’ Bobby McFerrin gig – amazing by the way – I got an idea, and a name for this idea: Videotron. I can’t really sort out why I choose this name but I liked it.

The idea of recording some kind of improvised performances – whatever it is: music, drawing, dance, singing, speaking, … – was there for a long time. So watching Bobby being so natural, free, happy (and he didn’t worry) in front of hundreds of people certainly make the connection in my mind to do something with these “happenings” that I generally share only with people in the same room as me.

For this first attempt I started with not much in mind, just my guitar in hands, until I saw Paul Arden’s best seller “Whatever you think, think the opposite“. So I really started from there and you might find that bad or not bad. Anyway, it just happened!

Train’s sketches

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May 4th, 2009


Here’s a colorized version of my last attempt to sketch my partner. It happened on the way back from our last Easter holidays in France and even if it’s still not 100% respectful of the original model, it’s quite a big improvment from my first ever try (yes, it’s the same person!).

Aurore is live

April 1st, 2009



J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer que ma trés chère moitié Aurore vient de donner naissance à son nouvel espace de liberté: www.auroremary.org

Contrairement à moi elle est plutôt douée pour utiliser la langue de Shakespeare à son avantage. Mais Molière ne lui fait pas beaucoup plus peur :)
